The 152nd NICC Children's Fair

The New Ipswich Congregational Church holds its annual Children's Fair on the third Saturday in August.  Here are some photos from the 152st Fair held on August 17, 2013.

One of the unique items for the auction

Somehow all this was put into order for the white elephant sale

Rummage Sale

More donations

Dan Grady speaks with Bill Tobin about the NH Float

Bill Tobin created this float which he brought to the Fair

Silly Hat for the fair

Baskets galore at the white elephant sale

I wish I had bought the painting of  "Anton the Great"

Faith visits the Garden Shop

Dapper Dan

Line queues up for the White Elephant sale (no longer a part of the fair)

Tie Die da

Plenty of plants at the Garden Shop

Dan Grady's Marvelous Marionettes

Face painting

Fun at the fair

Caught on radar


Lynda & Megan

Margie offers ice coffee

Mike plays tunes

Taking a hayride

Petting zoo

Horse rides

Taking a rest in the shade


Sue selling raffle tickets

No comment

New direction for Appleton

Ice cream volunteers

Baa Baa


Cotton Candy King

Popcorn too

Lots of smiles at the fair


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