Garden Update - May 2018

No more killing frosts here in New Ipswich. Our "safe" date for planting is May 30th so I've planted the tender plants like beans and squash. I get my plants from our local nurseries, Amazing Flower Farm, Mason Brook and Mason Hollow. They are the best, they know what will grow in our area and each has a unique selection of plants.

The photos are not exciting but the plants will grow quickly once the chicken manure kicks in.

Ugly isn't it? I bought a small stock tank from Tractor Supply Company and filled it with sphagnum moss and two Pitcher  Plants. I wonder how this will come out.

Cactus in New Hampshire? Yes and they winter over! They look like hell all winter but they plump up in Spring.

I'm going with heavy mulch this year. A big thanks to my friend Lora for giving me all this hay


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