USS Manchester Commissioning

I jumped at the chance to get free tickets for the commissioning of a US Navy ship named after the City of Manchester, NH. I was most interested in the opportunity to tour the ship, a futuristic looking thing that reminded me of the space craft one sees in Science Fiction movies.

However after being shuttled to the pier it was apparent from the mass of humanity and long lines that it was going to be impossible to get through security in time for the ceremony. Note the empty seats in the fourth photo. 

We stood in the parking lot and strained to hear the speeches over the sound of a compressor. The video display was washed out by the sun so after a while we left and opted for a nice lunch at Petey's
In Rye, NH.

Looks like it belongs in a Star Wars movie doesn't it?
A high-speed trimaran designed to operate as a littoral combat ship.

"Work Conquers" is the motto

We had tickets but never made it through security which they shut down when the ceremony began.

Our view from the parking lot was quite restricted. The ceremony took place under the tent in the far distance. Note the empty seats which resulted from delays of security screen.

We got home in time to watch it on TV


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