The 150th NICC Children's Fair

The New Ipswich Congregational Church holds its annual Children's Fair on the third Saturday in August.  Here are some photos from the 150th Fair held on August 20, 2011.

Pizza for the workers during setup week


Face painting


Volunteers in the game area

Putting green

Games of skill 
Preparing prizes in the game area

They must be brothers 
One of the volunteers

The dunk tank

Handing out prizes

Working at the snack bar


4H Volunteer

The hayride

Welcome to the New Ipswich Congregational Church Fair

Faith Tobin models a mink coat during the auction

Parker enjoys and ear of corn 
Mary at the Auction

Parker checks out a playhouse for auction


Looking for a bargain

Selling tickets for the game area

Enjoying the fair

Locked up in "jail"

Horseback rides

Looking for shade


Dave finds a bargain in the Garden Shop


Dan Grady's marionettes

The audience for the marionette show


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