The Navy Years - Civil Rights Movement

During the 1960s I watched TV with dismay seeing demonstrators in the South being sprayed with fire hoses, beaten, and being attacked by police dogs. I was disgusted by the racism. When I was stationed in Memphis, I also heard my fair share of racist comments. Sometimes it was expressed by my instructors as an aside to the curriculum. 

I hated the comments then and I hate them today especially since we seem to have regressed in our attitudes toward our brothers and sisters, These photos were taken in 1968 when I somehow managed to find myself witnessing a civil rights march in Memphis Tennessee.

Everywhere I have been I always see one of these Street Evangelists 
I suspect this might have been part of the Poor People's Campaign which was started by Rev. Martin Luthor King Jr.

No problems with this march

I was not in uniform when I took this photo. I also avoided speaking with anyone. I'm curious about this guy.

I wish I had taken more photos or discovered more about this march

I served with very few African Americans in the Navy. I'm guessing the photos are different for the Army


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