Look What I Saw at the Green Center (Photo Studio Edition)

As we all know, the Green Center contains many wonderful items. I share photos of the ones that catch my interest on this blog. As an experiment I took a few objects home to photograph in a more formal setting with a neutral background and  soft lighting. I was striving for the kind of photos you might find online or in a magazine advertisement.

This slide projector came in on June 9th. I didn't know Minolta made them. It had a removable slide caddy that fit behind he lens.

The projector would close up with a hinged top, The lamp and blower worked.

I remember light meters. This beauty is in a bakelite case. Weston was a premier manufacturer of measuring instruments dating back to the 1800s.

What is nice about external light meters is that they can measure incident light, such as the light falling on an model's face. You would set it for the film speed (ASA) and it would show you all the combinations of shutter and aperture.

Two of these SLRs came in, only one worked. I loaded this with film and will post the photos eventually. I had relearn the old ways.

I built a working FM radio. I'll bring the kit back on June 30th for anyone that is interested.

A blast from the past, small Tensor desk lamps.

These don't fit and hurt my calves

Skylander action figure


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