Mount Wachusetts Community College

I am an advocate for Community Colleges. I attended Norwalk State Technical College which morphed into Norwalk Community College. I obtained an Associate Degree in Electronics from Norwalk Tech in 1968 which proved to be a boon when I joined the Navy. Because I knew electronics I was sent to school for a year instead of chipping paint on a ship. After the Navy I returned to Norwalk Tech to study computer programming which landed me a job with Digital Equipment Corporation. If you want to earn a living ATTEND A COMMUNITY COLLEGE.

While working for Digital I learned they would pay something for schooling ao I went for my third Associate Degree in "General Studies" at Mount Wachusetts Community College. The GI bill also gave me some money for school. This was a great curriculum, all elective subjects. I studied Nude Figure Painting, Making Things Grow (Botany), Psychology of Self (We had a hypnosis demo), Pottery, Psychology of Death and Dying based on writings of  Kübler-Ross (field trip to a funeral parlor)  and Nuts and Bolts in Contemporary Society (Home Repair).

I used to swim in their pool before class and now in retirement I have returned to my Alma Mater because my insurance pays for my membership in "Silver Sneakers". The Campus is beautiful and I capture some images using a converted IR camera.

Great Pool about 83 degrees F. Always manage to get my own lane.

Tree - IR 790 nm filter

Entrance to Fitness Center

Lone Tree

Science Center

IR brings out the clouds

Science Center


The Mount

Art Center


Wind Turbines

Wind Power


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