Highbridge School - New Ipswich, NH

I'm working with a folder of photos from the New Ipswich Historical Society that is a bit more organized than my previous work. These are photos of the many school house that existed throughout the town. The first photo is labeled "School House at High Bridge".  Bert Eaton was the teacher. The photo was donated by Archie Eaton. The building is now the residence of Dave Barry and is located across from Warwick Mills. I've included a Google Mapview. Note the boy on the far left without shoes.

NIHS catalog 92.508
Photo taken by F. W. Brooks, Nashua, NH

It only seemed right to include a photo of the NEW Highbridge Elementary School which is located just up the hill.

Opening day at Highbridge Elementary School
Nov 19, 2011
Photo by John M Poltrack


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