Lonny Willard the Village Photographer

 A few years ago a neighbor lent me a copy of the New England Magazine March 1900 edition which had an article about New Ipswich. I had the foresight to scan it before returning. I noted a reference to Leonard R. Willard,  the village photographer who was alive when the magazine was published. Chickens might have been his most profitable pursuit, but I  admire his art of photography.

"I've got four businesses." he remarked one day while taking a snap-shot, "farming, house painting, photography and chicken raisin'; but chickens is the most profitable" - Lonny Willard, village photographer
New England Magazine - March 1900 page 105

New England Magazine featured an article about New Ipswich 
It is not specified if this is actually a photo of Leonard R. Willard

Leonard took many photos from the same vantage point at the intersection of Turnpike & Main 

Dry Goods store decorated for the 150th Anniversary 

Notice the two children sitting on the banister at the Library

This photo shows the Clark Hotel

Advertisement from the March 1900 edition of New England Magazine
Added just for fun


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