W. Johnson Store in Bank Village

I came across some badly faded photos in the Historical Society's collection that were taken by H.J. Moore in September of 1895. Photography was a chemical process and time was not kind to this photo.

Photo taken by H.J. Moore on Sept. 20, 1895
NIHS catalog 97.25
I'm not very proficient with Photoshop but achieved some success by adjusting the levels of the histogram. I narrowed the range and placed the center point under the peak, using the sliders.

Editing levels in Photoshop

After processing a bit more detail is visible. I wonder why this photo was taken. Certainly not as an example of proper foundation construction.

Processed photo after adjusting levels and saturation

This photo was taken at the same time. I suspect that these buildings are a rear view of what was a store located in Bank Village.

Photo taken by H. J. Moore Sept 20, 1895
NIHS catalog 97.24

I wonder if this photo which appears to be taken at a later date, shows the front of these buildings?

The W. Johnson Store in Bank Village
Undated photo NIHS catalog 92.258


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