Willow Brook Farm

The home of Charles H. Balcom had a unique front entrance. I was unable to find any reference to this home or the location of Willowbrook Farm. Please leave comments if you have any information.

NIHS catalog 97.34
Identified as the Charles H. Balcom Homestead
It is possible that this property had a connection with the Willow Brook Tavern, at least in name. The National Register for the Center Village has this desciption of that property:

"During his ownership Clark's Hotel became a popular summer resort. In
1892, the Silver family, who later operated Appleton Manor, bought
Clark's Hotel and operated it under that name until 1910. After that,
James C. Barr bought it and it was used as a private residence, until he
opened it again in 1929 as Willow Brook Tavern. Today it is a
restaurant with office space.

A fire in 1948 damaged the interior, but the building was restored.
On the east side of the property was a barn, now gone, which was
restored and used as a very popular dance hall; torn down in 1979."


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