The Early Roads of New Ipswich

This morning I heard the male chickadees singing their hey, sweetie song a sign that Spring is coming eventually. I also saw my first Frost Heaves sign. I can't imagine what mud season was like in New Ipswich after seeing some of these photos of the early roadways.

Looking down Maple Street (Main)
Barrett House on left
NIHS catalog 92.179 donated by Burt Johnson

Maple (Main) Street
NIHS catalog 92.190 donated by Mrs. Walter Hardy
Photo by Leon R. Willard

Village Street in front of Preston House
NIHS catalog 98.108
It is not clear if Village, Maple and Main were all names for the same road

Motoring down Main Street
NIHS catalog 92.173 donated by Seven Packard

A winter view from the same vantage point taken by Leon R. Willard
NIHS catalog 92.151

A shady road which appears to also be Main Street
I imagine it was dusty when dry and muddy when wet
NIHS catalog 92.192


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