
No camera? No problem. Scanography is a process of creating images using a flatbed scanner. In the summer I experimented a bit with this process by arranging objects on a scanner with the reflective cover folded out of the way. The room with fairly dark so no ambient light hit the CCD sensor which explains the dark background. The scanner needs to be clean since dust and pollen show up as white spots.

Athyrium niponicum  (Japanese Painted Fern) makes a nice base for other plants

I tried scanning some Alstroemeria blossoms. Notice how they fade into the background.

Phlox blossoms

I'm "hooked" on scanography

My Amaryllis blossoms shed a lot of pollen.

Gold buttons

Ready for Mardi Gras

This looks like Floyd Pepper of the band Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem

Moving objects can produce some interesting effects



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