Veteran Willow

New England is not kind to its big trees, just as they get established a ice storm comes along and knocks them down. They also fell victim to the sawmills and woodstoves when winters were a lot more severe than now.

One exception was the large willow tree which was called the Veteran Willow in which 40 people could easily be seated on rustic seats, at least as advertised in this Appleton Inn card.

The Willow was mentioned as a point of interest 
It was featured on a postcard
In this photo from 1927 the "rustic seats" are clearly visible. This photo was a gift of T.A. Easton who gave it the NIHS in 1980. It is Ref 97.192 in the NIHS collection.

This photo was another gift of T.A. Easton, date unknown.
In the NIHS collection it is 92.326
The tree was located on near the Barr home across the street from the present Historical Society building.

Additional Information

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